Enhancing the quality of life for families in Metro Atlanta

We provide assistance to seniors and low income families through housing revitalization, economic development, health and education.

Transforming Communities, Impacting Generations

The Nehemiah Project Community Development Corporation is a non profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of low-income communities in metro Atlanta by providing innovative solutions in housing, economic development, health and education.

How We Serve Our Communities

  • construction worker on a ladder repairing a window

    Senior Home Repair Program

    We provide free home repairs and improvements for low income seniors needing cleaner, safer and more accessible living conditions

  • Plumber repairing sink pipes

    Care and Conserve Plumbing Repair (CCPRP)

    CCPRP provides free plumbing repairs for elderly, low-income, and disabled Atlanta homeowners to ease financial strain and conserve water usage.

  • Construction workers building a house

    Neighborhood Revitalization

    Expanding the number of affordable rental and for-sale units for families and rehabbing homes to meet safety and accessibility needs

  • People talking in a business meeting

    Economic Development

    We provide resources teaching financial literacy, workforce training, and business skills to help people and small businesses succeed

  • Woman getting blood pressure checked by doctor

    Healthy Communities

    Assisting families and individuals to lead healthy lifestyles by promoting healthy bodies, healthy homes, and health literacy

  • Man and woman reading an article on computer


    Our education initiatives empower families through teaching on financial literacy, homeownership, energy and water conservation, and housing advocacy.

Our Impact


Homes repaired for seniors and disabled residents


In funding for housing and community development


Homes equipped with water and energy conservation upgrades

Thank You to Our Partners!

Support the Community

Give a Donation

Would you like to support a household in need? Send a one time or monthly donation that will help provide necessary resources to improve their lives

Partner with Us

Are you a business or organization interested in collaborations or providing financial support? Learn more about how you can partner with us to make an impact

Volunteer Opportunities

Are you passionate about helping the community and want to get involved? Learn more on how to get started volunteering with us